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Our Services 

INJURY Rehabilitation 

Sports Rehabilitation is a combination of manual therapy, exercises, and advice designed to treat a large range of musculoskeletal injuries and non-communicable illnesses.


Therapists use several methods of treatment including massage, stretches, manual manipulation and exercises to relieve pain and improve physical health. 


Common conditions that can be improved include sciatica, arthritis, post-operative pain and stiffness, osteoporosis, and many more.


Want to know more?

Let us guide you through what to expect from your first appointment and subsequent treatment plan. 

Sports Injury

INJURY Prevention

​Physical activity enhances thinking, learning, and judgment skills​; improves muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness; improves bone and functional health;​ reduces the risk of falls; and helps to maintain a healthy body weight.


Sadly, in the pursuit of better health, sometimes things go wrong. Poor conditioning, inappropriate equipment, or just bad luck can cause injury. Both injuries and non-communicable diseases can be prevented. We believe prevention is better than cure and understand the importance of a good routine. 


Worth a try?

Learn how you can prevent injury and disease.

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MASSAGE Therapy 

Massage therapy (including myotherapy) is the practice of kneading or manipulating a person’s muscles and other soft-tissue in order to improve their wellbeing or health. It is a form of manual therapy that includes holding, moving, and applying pressure to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.


The term ‘massage therapy’ is used to describe a wide variety of techniques that vary in the manner in which touch, pressure and the intensity of the treatment is applied.

What type of massage?

 Find out about the different types of massage and how it can help you.

Physiotherapist massaging male patient with injured shoulder blade muscle. Sports injury t

HEALTH & Wellness Coaching 

Regular physical activity, such as walking, cycling, and running, provides significant benefits for health. Research shows that physical activity can boost your self-esteem, mood, sleep quality, and energy as well as reduce your risk of stress, depression, and major illness such as stroke, dementia, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes. 


Sometimes, starting a new activity can seem daunting; let us help you to safely start exercising, inspire you to try something new or coach you to progress to your next level of sporting performance. 


What's included?

See what our Health and Wellness Coaching can provide. 

Online Workout
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